Thursday, November 6, 2014

Imagination Running Wild

My imagination is so strong.
And it usually isn't imaging the best senario for things!!
Why is that??
Am I that negative??

Well, here's the most recent one.
I've had a growth on my scalp, under my hair for years.  Like it started at least 6-7 years ago.
This past year it has grown in size significantly and become painful.
My hair covered it, so it was easy to keep a secret.  Only my hairdresser had seen it!!
Why did I keep it a secret?  Well, because I was afraid it was something awful and I kept putting off showing the doctor.
I know he would've yelled at me for not showing him sooner.
I just avoided the whole thing and buried my head!
Dumb?  Yes!
Especially when you're a nurse!
Well, I finally admitted to myself that something had to be done.
I imagined that it was cancer and had probably invaded the skull, now giving me bone and brain cancer!
That's what imagination can do for you!!

I stressed so much about the appointment that was scheduled for today that I got a cold sore.
Stress induced!

I signed into the Dermatology clinic at 10:30am.
Saw the doctor who said,
"Oh, we'll just take that off right here and now."
He's pretty sure it is benign and it was removed with a local anesthetic in about 3 minutes!!!
Years of worry!!!
Fixed in 3 minutes.
No I don't have a picture of it because it was really horrible looking.
But it's all gone.
I go back next week for a whole Derm exam because I have moles and age spots and all those great aging things!
There's a lesson here somewhere!!!!!!


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