Monday, May 9, 2016

Dumb Accident, . . . aren't they all!

Yep, that's me in the ER, about 2 1/2 weeks ago!
I tripped over a crack in the garage and fell directly onto my right knee on the cement.
@$*^#^% OUCH!! %$#%#(*&@

I couldn't move.  
Went to the hospital in an ambulance.  
I was positive, POSITIVE it was displaced or broken.
But thanks be to God, there are no fractures in the knee or tibia.
It was the most painful injury I've ever had!
I really thought my summer had been destroyed in a matter of a split second!

I was taken home by a transfer van where I could lay on a cart and be brought into the house on a cart.  They wheeled me to the couch and there I was!
Now what!!!???
I had a knee immobilizer on and a walker!
On my own!
Me and my dog!
Well, my wonderful neighbor, across the street called immediately and came over.
She put my chickens away for the night and fed the barn cats.
She also came everyday for 3 days to feed the cats and tend the chickens, morning and night.
She told me that 2 years ago she had a similar fall hurting her knee so she knew about the pain the feeling of helplessness!
Those next 3 days, I figured out how to maneuver between the couch and the kitchen with the cumbersome walker.  
Oh yes, and the bathroom which was up two steps into the main part of the house!
I have to confess that during those first few days, I swore with the most and the worse swear words I've ever used !! 
When Monday came (the 3rd day) and my baby chicks were due to be delivered to the post office, my pet-care/dog walker girl came and drove me there to get them.
Thank goodness I had set up everything days before "the accident".
I discarded the walker after that and used what ever was available to limp around with the immobilizer on.
I figured out ways to get upstairs and to the basement and out to the chickens.
(I decided I have a lot of my Grandma Wickersham in me!)
It took me about 2 weeks to be able to bend my knee enough to get into the car.
(Driving was no big deal as I break with my left foot.)
I missed a whole week at the chiropractor and my back was now killing me also.
My knee was slowly feeling less painful and I was able to do more and more.
I was beginning to see a light at the end of the tunnel!

It's been nearly 3 weeks now.  
I am truly amazed that I am able to walk around and move without much pain already 
and look almost normal!
I've been to the grocery store and to Walmart!!
The body certainly does heal itself when given a chance.
So, my summer isn't ruined after-all.
I've even planted half of my vegetable garden.


(P.S.  "Guard you knees, they're very important!")

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Aging . . . Sometimes seems like a cruel joke!!

When I was in my 60's I was in complete denial of my aging progress!
That's easy to do when you are feeling great and don't really have any health issues that make you feel sick.
However, all it took was a few bouts of problems that put me into the hospital at least 4 times and a couple surgeries that made me have to admit that maybe this aging thing was for real!!
I mean, problems and surgeries can happen at any age but I think it was the time it took to recover and gain some of my strength back that made me accept that possibly I was a senior, an elder,
 an old person??

I began to notice other things too.
I'm not able to lift 40 lbs. any longer.
I'll confess now, I can't even lift my western saddle up onto my horse!
I have aches and pains all over, not only my back and shoulder!
New age spots seem to be appearing daily.
And what is happening to my face!

Food that I used to eat with no problem, seems to have turned against me!
Lack of contact with people bothers me more.
Social media has become more important to me.
(Especially Periscope and Facebook live!)
I am talking to my dog and other animals much more!
Maybe to even myself!
Hmmmmm . . . . .
Then there's the memory thing.
Losing things that you had in your hand 10 minutes ago!
So far, in this house, I have lost:  
A brand new full croquet set, 
My Spiralizer for making zucchini noodles, 
My blood pressure cuff,
And, I swear to God, I forgot the 4th thing just now!
To continue with the no memory thing . . . 
Going upstairs or downstairs only have to do it again because you forgot what you went there for.
Forgetting words when you're trying to hold a half-way intelligent conversation.
That one really bothers me and makes me feel like a nit-wit!!
They call these the "golden years"??!!!
That can't be right!

Well . . . there's funny things too.
Hunting for my cell phone while I'm actually talking on it.
Getting into the shower with my glasses on.
The other night I was getting undressed, trying to take off a snug sweater and long under-ware top at the same time and I got it stuck over my head.  I couldn't pull it off because of my bad shoulder and it all of a sudden struck me as so funny.
I was laughing hysterically all my myself in the bathroom!
Yes, I finally got it off!

I walk slower, I fumble with my hands more and worry is sometimes out of control.
When one thing seems to be getting better, here comes another problem.
My best hope is that I've had my 2 years of health issues and now things will be getting better.
I am regaining some strength back and I think if I get back to the Silver Sneakers exercise classes at the Rec. Center, it will help.
I've actually gotten back to riding my horses a few times and hope that I can do that a lot more since the weather is getting warmer.
Or is this more like it??

Something to ponder . . .


Saturday, February 13, 2016

Wow, Long Time No See!!

True I haven't written on either one of my blogs for a long time, till today.
I'm sure I lost all my followers but, you know, things happen.
"It's Always Something"!!!

Today it's like zero degrees out and will be for the next couple days so I'm holding up in the house.
Of course I have to do my cat and chicken care out in the "barn", but no going off the acre!!

I've had a year (or more) of belly and digestive issues.  
Numerous stints in the hospital and every test in the book.
Have they solved my problem?
I did find out my gallbladder is only functioning at 27%.
But my symptoms were never really typical GB symptoms.
So NO surgeon, you can't yank out my GB!!

So, enough of that!
I found a new social media platform that I really like.  
It's Periscope!!
And I'm fairly active on there.
I try to "scope" a few times a week.  I don't have many followers but it's fun and my sister always watches the replays if she doesn't catch it "live"
Yes, "Live broadcasting"!!
Periscope is owned by Twitter, so if you have Twitter, download the Periscope app.  It's free.
Of course, like them all, it's very addicting!

My name on there is the same as on Twitter,